(853)8822 8241
Consultation Hours
星期三 14:00-15:00
星期五 11:00-12:00
ZHANG, Jingwei
Ph.D. degree, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, Utrecht University 荷兰乌特勒支大学 (2014)
Master degree, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Department of Chinese,
Nanjing University 南京大学 (2009)
Bachelor degree, Programme of Intensive Instruction in Liberal Arts,
Kuang Yaming Honors College, Nanjing University 南京大学 (2007)
Research Interests
Language Variation and Change 语言变异与变化
Sociophonetics 社会语音学
Language Planning and Language Policy 语言规划与语言政策
Courses Regularly Taught
Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Chinese Sociolinguistics 汉语社会语言学
Topics in Theories of Chinese Linguistics 汉语语言学理论专题
Chinese Languages and Chinese Communities 中国语言与华人社会
Zhang, J. 2014. A Sociophonetic Study on Tonal Variation of the Wúxī and Shànghǎi Dialects, Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap (LOT), ISBN: 9789460931529.
Journal Articles:
Zhang, J., Cao, X., Zheng, N. 2022 How Learners’ Corrective Feedback Beliefs Modulate Their Oral Accuracy: A Comparative Study on High- and Low-accuracy CSL learners, forthcoming, Frontiers in Psychology, 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.869468. (SSCI)
Qin, Z., Zhang, J. 2022 The use of tonal coarticulation cues in Cantonese spoken word recognition, JASA Express Letters, 035202, https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0009728 (SSCI)
Zhang, J. 2020. 澳门公共语言空间的语言管理——以报纸和政府网站为例. 《澳门研究》,第1期,106-113页。Language Management in the Public Linguistic Space of Macao: Cases of newspapers and government websites (in Chinese), Journal of Macau Studies, pp. 106-113.
Cao, X. & Zhang, J. 2020. 语言多样性与社会经济发展相关性的再认识. 《语言文字应用》,第1期,30-39页。Re-understanding of the correlation between Linguistic Diversity and Socioeconomic Development (in Chinese), Applied Linguistics, pp. 30-39. (CSSCI)
Zhang, J. 2020. 言语社区视角下的语言活力. 《云南师范大学学报(哲社版)》,第1期,32-39页。A Study of Language Vitality from the perspective of Speech Community (in Chinese), Journal of Yunnan Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences), No.1, pp.32-39. (CSSCI)
Zhang,J. 2020. 澳门青年语言态度调查. 《语言战略研究》,第1期,59-70页。A Survey of Macao Youth’s Language Attitudes (in Chinese), Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning, 5(1), pp. 59-70.
Zhang, J. 2019. 共时音变路径的实证分析——一项吴语声调变异的社会语音学研究,《语言科学》,第6期,581-595页。Tracing the Route of a Sound Change in Progress with Empirical Data: A sociophonetic study on the tonal variation in the Wu dialect (in Chinese), Linguistic Sciences,6,pp. 581-595. (CSSCI,人大复印报刊资料《语言文字学》2020年第6期全文转载)
Zhang, J., Zhang, Y. & Xu, D. 2019. A Variationist Approach to Tone Categorization in Cantonese, Chinese Language and Discourse 10(1), pp. 1-16. (Scopus)
Zhang, J. 2019. Tone Mergers in Cantonese: Evidence from Hong Kong, Macao, and Zhuhai, Asia-Pacific Language Variation 5(1), pp. 28-49.
Book Chapters:
Zhang, J. 2021.澳门报纸媒体中语言话题调查,载国家语言文字工作委员会组编《中国语言生活状况报告(2021)》,北京:商务印书馆,241-245页。A Survey of Language Topics in Macao Newspapers (in Chinese), in State Language Commission of the PRC (ed.) Language Situation in China: 2021, pp. 241-245, Beijing: The Commercial Press.
Zhang, J. 2020. 语言与社会,载曹贤文等编著《语言多棱镜——跨领域的语言学引导》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,109-128页。Language and Society, in Cao Xianwen et al. eds, Through the Language Prism: An introduction to Linguistics from interdisciplinary perspectives (in Chinese), pp.109-128, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
Zhang, J. 2020. 澳门回归后的语言生活,载教育部语言文字信息管理司组编《中国语言生活状况报告(2020)》,北京:商务印书馆,290-294页。Language Life in Macao after its Returning to China (in Chinese), in Department of Language Information Management of Ministry of Education of the PRC (ed.) Language Situation in China: 2020, pp. 290-294, Beijing: The Commercial Press.
Yu, W., Jiang, S., & Zhang, J. 2019. 上海市外国人聚居区的多语文化景观及其语言规划问题——以古北国际社区为例,载苏智良、陈恒主编《城市:历史、现实与想象》,上海:上海三联出版社,89-100页。Multilingual Landscapes of Transnational Immigrant Communities in Shanghai and Language Planning: the Case of Gubei International Community (in Chinese), in Su, Z. & Chen, H. (Eds) City: History, reality and imagination, Shanghai Joint Publishing, pp. 89-100, ISBN: 9787542667694. (CSSCI monograph)
Zhang, J. & Xu, D. 2019. The Impact of Information and Communication Technology in the Chinese Language Life, in Huang Chu-Ren et al. Eds. The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Applied Linguistics, pp. 552-563, Routledge.
Xu, D. & Zhang, J. 2019. Chinese Sociolinguistics, in Huang Chu-Ren et al. Eds. The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Applied Linguistics, pp. 691-708, Routledge.
Zhang, J. 2018. A Comparison of Tone Normalization Methods for Language Variation Research, Proceedings of The 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC-32), pp. 823-831, https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/Y18-1095/.